Hearing Aids & Artificial Intelligence

Hearing Aids & Artificial Intelligence

In Hearing Aid Technology by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

Hearing technology is changing rapidly, and today’s devices are a vast improvement over hearing aids of just a few years ago. Hearing aids are able to perform complex functions, such as provide the best in seamless connectivity, automatically changing between programs, and using background noise reduction and speech enhancement to help you hear the most important sounds in life. The next big advancement in hearing technology could be in the world of artificial intelligence, and there’s already one hearing aid on the market making hearing aids better with this new operating system.

Artificial Intelligence & Hearing Aid Technology

When you hear the words artificial intelligence (AI), you probably think about a science fiction film you watched recently where computers took over the world. AI technology of today is nothing like you’re imagining, and AI is being used in small ways to make life better. Artificial intelligence is computer software that can learn and adapt to changing situations, and take past input to make better choices in the future.

Through Bluetooth technology, many of today’s hearing aids are already able to connect with your smartphone, and using this computer your hearing aids can serve you better. When it comes to hearing technology, using AI means that your hearing aids are smarter, and will do a better job of helping you hear. When you change the settings on your devices, a complex algorithm analyzes this data about your listening preferences, and learns your unique hearing profile and listening needs.

What can Artificial Intelligence do for Hearing Aids?

AI principles are being used in some hearing aids today. For example, the SoundSense Learn technology from Widex uses an app interface so that hearing aid wearers can adjust hearing aid settings based on the listening environment. Over time, the hearing aids learn your preferences, and start adjusting programs and settings automatically so you’ll have better hearing without having to lift a finger. And since the program is using all of your past preferences, they’ll make the adjustments far more quickly and accurately than you can, taking all the guesswork out of clear hearing.

The Latest Tech Combining Artificial Intelligence and Hearing Aids

The latest AI technology is from Starkey. Their Livio AI embraces AI technology and machine learning to make hearing aids better than ever before. The Hearing Reality operating system scans the sounds around you, and replicates natural hearing by helping the brain hear all the layers of sound while still focusing on what you want to hear. Quiet sounds will sound quiet, and background noises will fade into the background without disappearing or loosing their crispness, so you’ll enjoy full, rich sound.

Another feature that makes the Livio AI so special is the combination of AI and integrated sensors that track body and brain health and activity and allows you to monitor health measure with more accuracy than a wrist device. Working like a FitBit for your ear, it effortlessly measures your activity levels such as steps and exercise. Using a smartphone app, Livio AI tracks your physical activity, as well as activities that are good for your brain, like how many hours per day you use your hearing aids, and how much time you spend listening or engaged in social activities that strengthen the brain. The app will show you if you’re meeting your health goals and keeping your body and brain healthy and strong.

New Directions for AI and Hearing Aids

Starkey is paving the way for the future of hearing technology, and there are a lot more advancements on the horizon. Researchers are working on technology that could monitor even more health measures. Along with tracking movement to count steps and activity levels, AI could also perform tasks like measuring blood glucose levels or body temperature, and easily notify you if something isn’t quite right.

AI technology could also quickly surpass current technology in sifting through background noise, focusing on one particular speech signal, and helping your hear voices more clearly than ever.

New Leaf Hearing Clinic

If you’re ready to check out the latest in hearing technology, or how AI could change the future of hearing aids, visit us today at New Leaf Hearing Clinic and let us help you find the perfect device to have you hearing clearly.