Common Excuses for Not Buying Hearing Aids

Common Excuses for Not Buying Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Health by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

Are you on the fence about getting hearing aids? It can be hard to admit that you’re not hearing as well as you used to. You might be avoiding investing in your hearing health. Here are some of the common excuses for not buying hearing aids. 

I Can Hear Without Hearing Aids

A common excuse for not buying hearing aids is to tell yourself that you can hear without hearing aids. This is a problematic excuse. The first step to looking after your hearing health is admitting that you have hearing loss. Have you been asking your loved ones to speak up? Have you been having a hard time hearing the TV? It’s time to face the fact that you have hearing loss, and admit that you can’t hear without hearing aids.

I’m Too Young for Hearing Aids

Do you think you’re too young for hearing aids? There’s a common misconception that only older adults have hearing loss. The truth is that people of all ages can have hearing loss. Even children, teens, and young adults can have hearing loss. Many people start to notice changes in their hearing health in their 40s or 50s, so you’re not too young for hearing aids. Buying hearing aids as soon as you notice the signs of hearing loss will help you stay young and active, and hearing devices won’t make you seem old. 

I’m Too Old for Hearing Aids

Many older adults think they’re too old for hearing aids. However, treating hearing loss will help you age well. You’ll enjoy the sounds around you, be more active, and hear every word during conversations with your loved ones. Treating hearing loss will also reduce your risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Hearing aids will improve your quality of life, and you’re never too old to invest in your health and wellbeing.

My Hearing Loss Isn’t A Problem

Have you convinced yourself that you can live with hearing loss? You might not realize just how hearing loss is impacting your life. You want to stay independent, but avoiding hearing aids will actually take away your independence. When you can’t hear clearly, you rely more on family and friends to repeat what they’ve said, or help you with tasks like ordering at a restaurant. The longer you rely on your loved ones for help, the worse your hearing loss will become. The best thing you can do is treat your hearing loss as soon as possible and get back to hearing clearly.

Hearing Aids Are Too Expensive

Another common excuse for not buying hearing aids is the cost. Quality hearing aids aren’t cheap, but they’re an investment in your health. If you’re not sure if you can afford hearing aids, think about all the benefits you’ll get from wearing hearing aids. You’ll be able to hear during conversations and stay social. You’ll feel more independent, and maintain your mobility. You’ll improve your relationships with family and friends, and easily connect with the people you care about the most. 

Treating hearing loss with hearing aids helps you stay healthy. You’ll perform better at work and enjoy a great social life. You won’t suffer from stress or social anxiety, and you’ll avoid social isolation and depression.

Hearing Aids Don’t Work

Have you tried over-the-counter hearing aids or an assistive listening device? These devices can help you hear in certain situations, but they can’t help you hear clearly. Quality hearing aids are calibrated to match your unique hearing loss to help you hear in difficult listening situations. They don’t just make sounds louder, they help balance sounds so you’ll hear the sounds you’re missing without amplifying the sounds you can hear just fine. They also have a range of advanced programs and features that help you focus on speech, ignore distracting sounds, and hear in every environment.  

Treat Your Hearing Loss

Do any of these common excuses for not buying hearing aids sound familiar? At the heart of it is treating your hearing loss. It’s important to seek treatment for this condition and furthermore, there are numerous benefits to treating hearing loss! Connecting with loved ones over a phone call, hearing all of the birds chirping on your morning walk, being able to follow conversations in a busy setting – all of these are great reasons to seek treatment. Schedule a hearing test and find out more about your hearing loss. Then, discover all your hearing aids options. Find devices that will help you stay active, help you hear, and help you be more social.  If you’re ready, contact our team of hearing health professionals today!