Ear Candles: Effective or Dangerous?

Ear Candles: Effective or Dangerous?

In Ear Health, Earwax by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

For those who are unfamiliar, the idea of placing a candle in one’s ear sounds like a wacky idea. Yet some ancient traditions and current naturopathic and homeopathic medicine sometimes recommends just this practice. Perhaps you have tried ear candles with varied success and wondered how effective or dangerous these devices can be. Let’s take a look at the use of ear candles and consider the pros and cons to their use according to audiology and licensed hearing health professionals.

What are Ear Candles?

Ear candles are conical devices placed into the ear and then lit on fire! The person using the ear candle lies on one side with the other ear directly upward. An assistant places the end of this conical unit into the ear and then lights the top on fire. The idea is that the heat and flame from the top of the cone draws air from the bottom of the cone, creating suction inside the ear. By creating a bit of warmth, the earwax inside the ear is softened. By creating a suction effect, that earwax is drawn upward toward the cone. Proponents of ear candles say they can reduce a profusion of waxy buildup in the ears, thereby reducing occlusion or other harmful effects of wax overproduction. They also claim that the suction of warm air from the ear draws out toxins of other kinds. Indeed after using ear candles a stream of brown waxy substance can be found inside the cone.

Are Ear Candles Effective?

Although many people report anecdotally that they experience relief from ear candles, there is no evidence in Western medicine in support of this claim. Earwax is a crucial substance in our ears for many reasons. It is used to protect against debris and infections. The smell is also effective to ward off insects, parasites, and other invaders. It also works as a moisturizer in the ear canal, maintaining a sensitive balance of dry and wet that is essential to the functioning of hearing as well as balance. With all these functions of earwax, it is important not to disturb the delicate balance it creates in the ear canal. Indeed, some people do experience an overproduction of earwax, which can lead to uncomfortable or even serious medical issues. In most cases, a healthy ear will expel the excess wax on its own, and that wax can be cleaned out with a tissue or clean, dry cloth. In cases where earwax buildup is excessive or uncomfortable, a hearing specialist or ear doctor can recommend and perform treatments to extract the excess wax. However, it has not been shown in the Western medical community that ear candles are effective to remove this excess wax from the ears.

Are Ear Candles Dangerous?

Not only is it unclear if ear candles are able to remove excess waxy buildup from the ears, they also may be dangerous, as well. One of the risks of ear candles comes from the waxy substance from which they are made. Although they are intended to draw the earwax from your ears through the suction effect of warm air, ear candles are also made of a waxy substance themselves. When they are heated up with the warm air of the fire, it is possible that the wax on the ear candles could melt and drip into the ear. You can imagine how dangerous it would be to drip hot wax into your ears, and this possibility makes ear candles dangerous. Audiologists and hearing health professionals also warn that they are dangerous because they can be damaging to the ear if they are pushed too far into the ear canal, possibly harming the eardrum. Finally, it is possible that debris from the flaming cone might fall into the ear, and you can imagine how painful and damaging that effect might be.

Although traditional and homeopathic medicine sometimes recommends the practice, audiology and professional hearing health providers recommend against the use of ear candles.

New Leaf Hearing Clinic

When you experience an uncomfortable or unsightly buildup of earwax, take the opportunity to make an appointment with our team at New Leaf Hearing Clinic. We will be able to diagnose your situation and to recommend the right course of action to keep your ears healthy.