How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

How Treating Hearing Loss Can Improve Relationships

In Communication, Family & Relationships, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

The beginning of a relationships can be full of excitement, adventure lust and amazement as you learn more and more about each other. However, as the years go by, this excitement may change but never stop evolving.  Ideally, if you want to build a strong long-term relationship with your partner, there are important behaviors, and activities which are important to incorporate into your daily life.  This includes making sure you put aside plenty of time aside for each other, listening to each other, laughing, and enjoying joint interests together. 

Age Related Hearing Loss

However, as we age hearing loss becomes increasingly common. One in three people over the age of 65 live with irreversible age-related hearing loss and this number jumps to one in two for those 75 and older. Age related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis is caused by changes in the ear as we age and can make it difficult to communicate. This can affect how you communicate with your loved ones and has a particularly significant impact on your partnerships. Even relationships which have survived decades are put at risk when hearing loss goes unaddressed.

The Corner Stone of Relationships

What holds relationships together? It’s clear, loving, and patient communication every day.  You may think it’s the moments of heightened passion and big ideas that help us feel connected to one another but it’s the calm moments as well. It’s casual banter over coffee, inside jokes and sweet nothings which help us feel bonded to our significant other. This unfortunately often begins to erode when hearing loss sets in.

The Slow Nature of Hearing Loss

The problem with hearing loss is that it often creeps in. At first you may not notice that you have an issue at all. Small miscommunications start to build up. At first you may not hear certain sounds or tones, such as the chirping of birds, the oven alarm, or the breeze of leaves in the trees. Hearing loss progresses over years and because it’s so gradual your brain forgets what it was like to hear lost sounds and you normalize hearing with an undiagnosed impairment. Often people don’t realize they have an issue until it is difficult to hear even in the most ideal of listening environments. It’s far more common for your partner to notice your hearing loss first.

Resentment Builds….

With hearing loss, often comes resentment. When you struggle to hear you may miss important information. When going out it’s common to develop a co-dependent relationship where the hearing partner becomes the translator of the pair. Small misunderstanding builds up. When your partner must repeat what they’ve said day after day it may create rifts which are had to repair.

Hearing Aids That Work for Your Life

The good news is that you don’t have to live your life with this level of resentment and discord in your life. Often the relationship with your significant other is one of the most grounding and rewarding. Protect the quality of a relationship you may have fostered for decades by treating your hearing loss. The most common treatment for hearing loss are hearing aids. These amazing devices amplify the sounds that you need to hear, based on your hearing exam. 

With properly programed hearing aids you will be able to hear the world around you and stay connected to the conversations around you. This means higher quality of communication in your most important relationships. You’ll be more likely to try new things with your partner, go on lots of adventures and keep the flame of your love alive.

Schedule a Hearing Exam

The first step in improved hearing in relationships is scheduling a hearing exam. We will test the degree of your hearing loss as well as interview you about your lifestyle and hobbies. This will allow you to not only prescribe the perfect set of hearing aids for you but suggest features which will enhance your lifestyle and the quality of your relationships. Whether you enjoy getting out into the world and staying active with your partner or love to stay home and enjoy a movie together, we can find the best hearing aids help you connect with the one you love.