Building Connections May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

Every spring, we gear up to celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month. This event happens every May, and we’re thrilled to be participating. This years’ theme is “Building Connections” and we’re committed to helping people with hearing loss discover how they can build stronger connections with their loved ones. If you have hearing loss, hearing aids can improve your relationships.

For almost 100 years, May has been celebrated as Better Hearing and Speech Month. This event is organized each year by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The Association encourages communication specialists from around the country to raise awareness in their communities. Speech and hearing are both incredibly important for communication. 

Communication is at the heart of our relationships. Through speech and hearing, we share our personal lives, convey our thoughts and feelings, tell stories and jokes, laugh with family and friends, and build trust. Clear communication is at the core of our connections with others. Treating communication disorders is one of the best ways you can build stronger connections.

Difficulty Communicating

Do you have hearing loss? Many adults with mild hearing loss are not too concerned about their hearing loss just yet. But even mild hearing loss can make it much harder to understand speech. That’s because hearing loss doesn’t affect all sounds in the same way. Most people have hearing loss in higher pitches, but can still hear other pitches normally. You might hear some sounds easily, while other sounds will be too soft to hear. 

During conversations, you will have no trouble hearing certain sounds. But other sounds, such as consonant sounds, will be impossible to hear. You might feel as though you can hear every word, but the words don’t make sense because you’re missing some important sounds.

Avoiding Social Situations

Have you been finding reasons to avoid meeting with family and friends? Hearing loss can make it harder to hear one-on-one conversations, but it’s even more noticeable in group settings, or anywhere with background noise. 

This social withdrawal can take a toll on your relationships, and you’ll have a harder time building and maintaining connections.  Avoiding social situations can create a sense of isolation, and you’re more likely to feel lonely.

Ask Yourself These Questions

If you have noticed that your relationships aren’t as strong as they used to be, it’s time to take a closer look at your hearing abilities. Untreated hearing loss can lead to difficulties communicating, and make it harder to connect with the people you care about the most. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you frequently ask people to repeat themselves?
  • Do you have a harder time hearing in noisy places compared to when you’re at home?
  • Do you pretend you’ve heard what was said, even if you couldn’t follow the conversation?
  • Do you turn up the TV volume to try to catch what’s being said on screen?
  • Do you have a hard time ordering food in a coffee shop or restaurant because you can’t hear what the waiter is saying?
  • Do you or your loved ones feel annoyed and frustrated because of all the communication breakdowns?
  • Do you feel like your connections with family and friends are getting weaker?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, your hearing loss is having a major impact on your life and on your relationships. After all, hearing is essential when it comes to building connections.

Hearing Aids Can Help

The good news is that you don’t have to live with untreated hearing loss! Hearing aids are the key to helping you reconnect with loved ones and hear during every conversation.

Celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month by finding out more about hearing aids. Call us today to book a hearing test, and learn more about your hearing health. Once you know exactly what sounds you’re missing, you can find the perfect pair of hearing aids to help you fill in the gaps in your hearing. With quality hearing aids you’ll be able to hear conversations clearly and effortlessly. Say goodbye to frustration, and invest in your hearing health. Not only will you improve your hearing, but you’ll also be able to build strong connections with the people who matter most.