Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer

Tips to Help Your Hearing Aids Last Longer

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Health by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

If you have recently taken the leap to invest in your hearing health with hearing aids then congratulation is in order! It is all too often that people ignore or put off dealing with this issue for years, while negative side effects continue to build up. Hearing aids can amplify the sounds around you from morning to night, making it much easier to communicate and navigate the world around you with enhanced sounds. 

The average hearing aid lasts five to seven years and while this may not seem like that long, consider that these tiny devices work best when worn from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep only to be removed when bathing or swimming. This is a lot of work for any piece of electronics. 

However, you can ensure you get the longest life out of your hearing investment when you take proper care of them. Here are some simple things you can do every day to ensure you get the most out of your hearing aids.

Daily Cleaning

The most important thing you can do for the longevity of your hearing aids is to gently clean them every day. Wipe them down gently with a soft dry clean cloth to remove dirt, earwax, moisture and debris that may have built up. If these things are able to build up it can easily cause issues down the road by clogging important tiny parts and shortening the life of your devices. Keep an eye out for cracks or blockages. Keeping up with a regular cleaning routine can keep you feeling in control of the health of your hearing aids and stop small issues before they turn into larger ones. If you find any cracks or blockages you can clean out on your own contact us immediately.

Avoiding Moisture

While there are hearing aids on the market that are water-resistant no hearing aid currently out there is 100% waterproof. Nothing can wear out the tiny electrical component of your hearing aids other than a buildup of moisture, which can corrode tiny connectors in the electrical system easily. Always make sure to take your hearing aids out when you swim or bathe. If you live in a humid environment, get caught in precipitation or engage in activities that cause you to sweat, take a moment to carefully dry off your precious devices so they can work their best for as long as possible. It is a good idea to carry a waterproof carrying case for your hearing aids to place them in when engaging in activities that could risk your hearing aids getting wet like in the bathroom, pool or rainstorm.

Use A Hearing Aid Dryer

If you live in a humid place it is a good idea to invest in a hearing aid dryer which is often a case which removes moisture from your hearing aids with either a small fan or chemical desiccant. Make it a regular practice to store your hearing aids in this case overnight to ensure moisture build-up from the day is removed. Many hearing aids with rechargeable batteries can be recharged while also being dehydrated overnight while you rest.

Get as Much Life As Possible From Your Batteries

Many hearing aids use replaceable batteries, which tend to last three to seven days. In order to get the longest life out of your batteries make sure to open the battery door overnight. This not only disconnects the battery from your device, saving precious power but also allows moisture trapped in the battery port to dry out which can otherwise cause corrosion of the battery terminals. If you are using rechargeable batteries, make sure to charge your battery to completion, which can maintain the battery life for a more reliable and longer charge.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Extreme cold or extreme heat can damage the tiny electrical components of your hearing aid shortening the life of these devices. Avoid leaving your hearing aids in these conditions, such as in your car or outside. 

Don’t Put Off Repairs

Stay on top of the care of your hearing aids and they will serve you with priceless performance for many years. If you do notice something is not working as well as it should on your hearing aids do not hesitate to contact us immediately. The sooner you deal with an issue with your device the sooner it can be dealt with before it turns into a bigger issue.