A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss

A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

Think back to the last healthy meal you had. What were the key components? Most healthy meals have a good portion of fresh fruits and vegetables, whether they are cooked or raw. They tend to have whole grains in the form of rice, whole wheat bread, or an ancient grain like quinoa. They usually have a protein that is low in saturated fat, such as fish or poultry. With these elements in place, you have just described the DASH or Mediterranean diet! DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension, and many are finding that they not only improve their heart health but they also have other good health outcomes such as energy, weight loss for those who are overweight, and positive mental health. Another healthy diet, the Mediterranean diet, emphasizes these same key elements. With the addition of olive oil and the permission to drink moderate amounts of wine, this diet has been linked to health and longevity in its many forms around the world.

If you thought healthy eating was important based on these areas, one more item can now be added to the list of reasons to pursue healthy eating: preventing hearing loss. Although researchers do not yet understand the connection, they have discovered a significant correlation in an exploratory study. Let’s take a look at the research study itself, then consider the ways you can transform your diet.

Hearing Loss and Healthy Diet

In a study led by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, study participants demonstrated a strong connection between elements of the DASH or Mediterranean diet and lower rates of hearing loss. The study targeted 19 testing centers around the country and examined eating behaviors over the past 20 years. Women in the study, who tended to be in their 50s or early 60s, took a hearing test at the beginning of the study. After three years, they took another hearing test. The results were remarkable. First of all, many of these women had hearing loss over the course of a relatively short time of three years; nearly half had hearing loss in the high range, and 38% had hearing loss in the important midrange of human speech. However, the connection with healthy eating was even more remarkable. Those whose diets over the past 20 years looked like the DASH or Mediterranean diet had 25% less risk of hearing loss in the high range and 30% less risk of hearing loss in the midrange. Although researchers do not understand the mechanism in the body that might connect hearing with nutrition, the results were striking. Future research will need to include more participants, particularly a wider demographic diversity, because the current group tended to be white women with an average age of 59 years.

Healthy Eating How-To

If you are seeking a healthier diet, you can focus on the many good items to incorporate. Fresh fruits and vegetables are paramount for receiving vitamins and nutrients, and whole grains will make you feel satisfied after a meal. A couple things should be avoided, namely red meats that are high in saturated fats and sugary desserts that are related to diabetes and a host of other negative health effects. With these restrictions in mind, the possibilities are endless for a cornucopia of meals, menus, and recipes. Imagine an appetizing plate of fish, olives, hummus, and fresh vegetables alongside a glass of red wine. Finish with some fresh peaches and you are in line with both of these healthy diets with a connection to better hearing over time.

New Leaf Hearing Clinic

If you have not yet had your hearing tested, the time is now to schedule your appointment. Those who sense that they have already lost hearing will need to seek assistance right away, but even those without hearing loss will benefit from a baseline test to set the pace for future hearing ability. If you have a healthy diet in line with DASH or Mediterranean standards, you just might find that your hearing has not deteriorated by the time the next hearing test comes along. Make your appointment for a hearing test at our Arvada hearing center today!