The Benefits of Being Social for Older Americans

The Benefits of Being Social for Older Americans

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Julie Raney

Julie Raney

The last time you attended a social event, did you realize you were promoting good health at the same time? It might seem inconceivable that a party was actually making you healthier, but recent findings suggest just that. The activities that take place at a social event, might seem mundane to some—conversation, discussing current events, building family ties, reminiscing about past memories, and even debating a political issue. Yet, these elements of the social activity have strong relationships with your cognitive, emotional, and even physical health. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that social activity can be related to these outcomes before imagining the range of possibilities for your own social connections in the New Year.

Health and Social Activity

When it comes to your health, physical activity is a no brainer for strengthening your body, but how about social activity? Indeed, those who report higher levels of social activity tend to have better outcomes on a number of health measures. Not only do they tend to have better blood pressure readings and nutrition, but they also have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even some forms of cancer. Incredible! It seems like some social activities also have a dimension of physical activity. Even simply leaving the house to attend an event gets you moving a bit, and some social events are centered on physical movement, such as outdoors activities or sports. The benefits of socialization extend beyond the body, however. Those who spend more time in social activity report lower rates of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and researchers wonder if the connection has to do with keeping the mind in the practice of conversation. When we have a face-to-face conversation, our minds have to put together unique ideas, improvise, and build logical connections between things. This ability to use the mind on the spot promotes flexibility and agility, crucial for cognitive health. In addition to these thinking abilities, social activity also promotes emotional well-being by building connections. Those who socialize more have lower rates of depression, and it seems likely that depression stems from a feeling of isolation and disconnection.

Engaging in Social Activity

With these many relations between social activity, health, and well-being, the New Year is a great time to forge some new social connections. Yet, some of us feel like we don’t know where to start, particularly when it comes to meeting new people. Building the connections we already have with our friends, families, and loved ones is a good start, but you can also take a step outside your comfort zone to meet people who share your interests. Joining a club or taking a class can put you in contact with people who have shared interests, a great way to get connected. You also get the added benefit of learning a new skill if you take a class at a local community center or school. Physical activities are another great way to meet new people. By getting involved at your local gym or sports facility, you can exercise your body and your social skills. Yet another way to be more socially active is to take up volunteering. Whether you choose a hospital, school, nursing home, or other non-profit organization, volunteering does good for others, your community, and yourself all at the same time. You will not only be able to connect with the people you serve but also get to know the other volunteers who have a passion for the same social issues and causes.

New Leaf Hearing Clinic

With these many reasons to become socially active, some of you will still feel hesitant to get involved. Those with hearing loss sometimes would prefer to isolate themselves and avoid awkward conversations. When it becomes clear that you aren’t able to hear as well as you used to, there is no reason for embarrassment.

After a hearing test at New Leaf Hearing Clinic, our team can assist you in selecting the right kind of hearing aids for your lifestyle and needs. Why delay overcoming this obstacle to social engagement. With so many benefits to your health and wellbeing, the time is now to get the hearing assistance necessary to engage with the world once again!